Grad Students Present at NCTE Conference

Wake Forest English education graduate students presented at multiple sessions on the weekend of November 16 at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention in Houston, Texas. Under the guidance of Dr. Alan Brown, current and former graduate students presented at an American literature session entitled “Eight Great American Poets Who Inspire Students to Discover Their Own Voices” and a large roundtable session entitled “The Future Is Now: Exploring 21st Century Teaching Ideas with the Next Generation of English Teachers.” Photos include Wake Forest presenters from the Future Is Now session—from left to right, Philip Grossenbacher, Billy Kaskay, Sarah Sturdivant, Julio Ramirez, Elizabeth Davis, Dr. Alan Brown, Wendell Dunn, and Dana Nicholson—and the Wake Forest reunion dinner, which included faculty, students, alumni, cooperating teachers, and friends of the program.