Graduate Course Information

The following are current courses in the department.

604. Social Justice Issues in Education. (3) This course facilitates exploration of issues of social justice and schooling from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It includes a focus on multicultural education, global awareness, issues of equity in school funding, urban and rural education, poverty, and marginalized populations.

612. Teaching Children with Special Needs. (3) Survey of the various types of learning problems commonly found in elementary children. Students observe exemplary programs, tutor children with special needs, and attend seminars on effective instructional techniques.

614L. Elementary Teaching Rounds. (2) Practical experiences in elementary classrooms with focus on pedagogy and content. Weekly public school experience and seminar. Pass/Fall

641. Teaching Elementary Literacy. (3) Methods and materials for implementing research-based strategies for teaching and assessing reading, writing, listening and speaking in grades K-6.

642. Teaching Elementary Social Studies. (3) Methods and materials for teaching K-6 social studies, including adaptations for diverse and exceptional learners. Also includes experiences in a diverse elementary classrooms.

643. Teaching Elementary STEM. (3) Methods and materials for teaching STEM subjects in elementary schools, emphasizing inquiry teaching and learning and including adaptations for diverse and exceptional learners.

650L. Student Teaching: Elementary. (9) Supervised teaching experience in grades K-6. Full-time. Service Learning. Pass/Fail only.

654. Content Pedagogy (3) Methods, materials, and techniques used in teaching particular secondary subjects (English, mathematics, science, second languages, social studies).

655. Professional Seminar: Elementary. (3) Analysis and discussion of problems and issues in elementary school teaching. Includes examination of research and best practice strategies in curriculum, instruction, assessment, diverse learners, classroom management and leadership. Pass/Fall.

664L. Student Teaching Internship. (9) Supervised teaching internship in grades 9-12 (K-12 for foreign language). Full-time, 15-week field experience. Pass/ Fail only.

665. Professional Development Seminars. (3) Analysis and discussion of problems and issues in secondary school teaching. Examination of research and practice-based strategies. Pass/Fail only.

668. Professional Experience in Education. (3) This course offers students a placement in an educational setting under the supervision of a professional mentor. During this internship, students examine a critical topic in a local school, a community agency, a nonprofit organization, or other educational setting.

677. Literacy in the 21st Century. (3) This course examines the impact of emerging literacy trends on 21st century students in a digital, global world. There is specific focus on engaging reluctant and struggling readers.

688. Writing Pedagogy. (3) This course blends theory and practice, providing students from all content areas with a foundational understanding of writing pedagogy methods and approaches. Topics of study will include writing across the curriculum, writing research and writing assessment.

695. Teaching Diverse Learners. (3) This course addresses diversity in the classroom, particularly the needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and Exceptional Children (EC). It examines differentiated instruction with appropriate instructional and behavioral strategies to meet the needs of all students.

707. Educational Policy and Practice. (3) Examination of the impact of race, ethnicity, and social class on educational achievement and attainment, including consideration of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues.

712. Learning and Cognitive Science. (3) Examination of patterns of human development, as well as theories and principles of cognition applied to teaching and learning.

713. Classroom Climate: Classroom Management and Conflict Resolution. (3) This course focuses on the development and maintenance of a safe, orderly, and respectful classroom environment in conjunction with advanced pedagogical strategies. Students learn classroom management and conflict resolution techniques while considering their own teaching practices.

714. Advanced Content Pedagogy. (3) This course assists students in developing skills for content specific teaching of critical thinking and problem solving while building upon existing pedagogical content knowledge through collaboration that is rooted in current practice, and addressing state and national standards.

715. Action Research. (3) Individual research planning for action research study on a specific pedagogical topic in a school setting. Includes definition of research problem, literature review, and proposal for collection of field data and reporting of results.

716. Professional Growth Seminar. (3) Reflection and self-evaluation of student teaching experience and definition of professional goals.

717. Instructional Design, Assessment and Technology. (3) Introduction to contemporary technologies and their applications for supporting instruction, assessment, professional practice, and school leadership.

718. Advanced Multimedia Technology in Education. (3) This course develops advanced technology skills and knowledge of how to incorporate technology tools into pedagogical practice through a variety of assignments including an implementation project.

721. Educational Research. (3) Theory, construction, and procedures of empirical research dealing with educational issues of teaching and learning. Analysis and evaluation of published research studies.

733. Supervision of Instruction. (3) Analysis of various techniques of supervision: orientation of teachers, in-service education, classroom observation, individual follow-up conferences, ways to evaluate instruction, and methods for initiating changes.

735. Assessment of Teaching and Learning. (3) This course focuses on the assessment of learning from a theoretical and practical perspective. It includes an understanding of formative and summative assessments, traditional and non-traditional assessments, standardized testing, and the interpretation and application of test data.

758. Studies in Educational Leadership. (3) Examination of contemporary leadership theory and its various applications in education.

764. Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction. (3) Exploration of special topics in the field of curriculum and instruction.

781. Methodology and Research. (3) Advanced study of the methods and materials of a specific discipline (English, French, Spanish, social studies, mathematics, science) in the curriculum with special attention directed to the basic research in the discipline. Includes 20 hours field experience/project.

784. Research in Writing. (3) Investigation of selected topics related to the writing process.