Dr. Linda Nielsen


Office: Tribble A308A
Email: nielsen@wfu.edu
Phone: 336-758-5345
website: go.wfu.edu/nielsen

Dr. Linda Nielsen is a Professor of Adolescent & Educational Psychology at Wake Forest University. She is an internationally recognized expert on shared physical custody for children of divorce and father-daughter relationships. In addition to her many academic articles, she has written four books on father-daughter relationships and a college textbook, Adolescence: A Contemporary View.  Her research has influenced child custody law reform in the U.S. and abroad. Her work has been featured in a PBS documentary, as well as on National Public Radio, the BBC, Time, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post. Her sixth book, Myths & Lies About Dads: How They Hurt Us All, will be published by Routledge early in 2023. For more information about Nielsen’s work, visit her website at go.wfu.edu/nielsen

Academic Appointments

Professor, Educational Psychology


Ed.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1976
M.Ed., University of Tennessee, 1973
B.A., University of Tennessee, 1969s

Past Professional Experiences

High School English Teacher, Knoxville, TN, 1970-73
Instructor, University of Tennessee, Dept. of Educational Psychology & Counseling, 1973-74
Professor, Wake Forest University, 1976-present
Expert witness on research in child custody cases in six states

Fathers and Daughters: EDU 330
First Year Seminar: Children of Divorce

Myths & Lies About Dads: How They Hurt Us All (2023, forthcoming) Routledge

Father-Daughter Relationships: Contemporary Research & Issues. (2019, 2nd edition). Routledge.
Improving Father-Daughter Relationships: A Guide for Women & Their Dads (2020) Routledge.
Adolescence: A Contemporary View (3 editions, college textbook, 1987-1996) Harcourt Brace.


“Analysis of research on shared vs. sole physical custody: Outcomes for children. independent of income & conflict” (2018) Boston: International Conference on Shared Parenting.

Continuing Education Seminars for judges and lawyers at annual conferences: 2014-2018 in five states.