Sharon Ralston is a Career Coach in the Office of Personal and Career Development and an Adjunct Lecturer for College to Career courses. She brings extensive expertise in education, counseling, and career development, with master’s degrees from Wake Forest University in Counseling and Human Services and from the University of North Carolina Greensboro in Education, specializing in Learning Disabilities and Gifted Education. Her undergraduate degree is in Finance. As a Career Coach, she guides and supports undergraduate students in understanding personal strengths, professional development, and meaningful career pathways while drawing from a diverse background in the financial industry, the non-profit sector, and education. Certified in Strong Interest Inventory and trained in advanced literacy methodologies, she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to innovative educational practices. Her professional impact extends beyond the classroom through past leadership roles in The Augustine Literacy Project, Winston-Salem Literacy, WS Alliance: The Reading Initiative, Children’s Museum of WS, and the YWCA.
Sharon Ralston

Part-Time Lecturer