Thank you for your interest in the Department of Education. If you would like to support the important work of our faculty, staff, and students, please click on the link below to be directed to the secure online giving form.

Financial gifts to the Department of Education go toward efforts, including:

  • Supporting current students to attend professional conferences
  • Encouraging experiential learning among majors, minors, and graduate students
  • Providing awards to recognize exceptional students and alumni
  • Funding speakers, workshops, seminars, and other activities that engage current and former students
  • Supporting faculty research and professional development

NOTE: The gift designation portion of the form will be filled in for you. Unless you would like to designate other funds in which to contribute, you only need to complete the first half of the form. The giving form will open in a new tab or window in your web browser. To return to this site, close the new tab or window once you have submitted the form.

For more information, please contact Dr. Alan Brown,
Chair of the Department of Education.