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Winston-Salem TEACH, a collaborative program that includes Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem State University, Salem College, and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, is primarily funded through a $4.7 million Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant from the U.S. Department of Education

As part of WS-TEACH, Wake Forest Department of Education supports candidates in the secondary education licensure program (grades 9-12 Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Comprehensive Science, English, Mathematics, and Social Studies).

Graduate Secondary Education

The Winston-Salem TEACH Secondary Education Program allows students to pursue graduate study relevant to one of four core disciplines: English, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Comprehensive Science), or Social Studies. The program requires 42 credit hours and thirteen months of coursework.

For general inquiries regarding the Winston-Salem TEACH Secondary Education Program, contact Dr. Alan Brown,
Chair of the Department of Education and Co-PI for WS-TEACH