Education Library

The Education Library/Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) is situated in the basement of Tribble Hall in room A2. Tribble Hall is building #13 on this campus map.

This library, including its Curriculum Materials Center (CMC), has long served students in the Department of Education who are working in local schools as part of student teaching and other clinical experiences.

The Education Library’s primary collection, Joseph O. Milner Children’s Literature Collection–named after Dr. Joseph Milner, Professor Emeritus of English Education at Wake Forest University and Chair of the Department of Education for 28 years–is ever-growing and contains more than 4000 titles, including young adult literature, picture books, non-fiction, and biography. The collection itself is searchable in the ZSR Library Catalog.

The Education Library also houses the Skip Prosser Sports Literature Collection filled with sports-related and culturally-relevant children’s, adolescent, and young adult literature. This collection was established through generous funding provided by Dr. Alan Brown’s Bryant/Groves Faculty Fellowship and was created with support from Bookmarks and ZSR Library. It is searchable through the ZSR Library Catalog.

Ms. Alicia Lemar serves as the Education Library and Outreach Coordinator and manages these collections. Ms. Amanda Kaufman is the Department of Education’s liaison to ZSR Library, where she works as the Learning & Instructional Services Librarian. 

In the fall of 2018, the Education Library Committee formed and tasked itself with revitalizing the space and collection so that it more closely resembles a school library media center and is better suited to Department of Education students as well as children, adolescents, young adults, and parents from the local community. A range of curriculum materials for faculty, students, and alumni is also available and regularly utilized by pre-service teachers from the Department of Education.

Throughout this revitalization project, the committee envisioned providing greater access to current, relevant, representative reading material and greater opportunities for literacy development to the students and teachers on campus throughout the year as well as the parents/guardians who are employed at Wake Forest University.

In pursuit of this vision, the project team worked together to:

  • Reduce the size of the collection to allow for the addition of current, relevant titles from contemporary authors.
  • Make the collection more usable by young readers and others by physically reorganizing and color-coding the collection according to content and age range.
  • Preserve and send to storage certain award-winning, rare, or otherwise important titles that, while not relevant to the needs of children and student teachers, are of historical or research value.
  • Identify children’s book awards that will be automatically purchased in order to ensure a current, diverse, high-quality collection.
  • Refresh the physical space with new, more flexible furniture.

For more information about the Education Library, please contact Ms. Alicia Lemar.